The College of The Bahamas requested COL to hold an advocacy workshop on OER in The Bahamas.  The workshop took place on 4 March 2011 in collaboration with the Ministry of Education.

The workshop covered 6 sub-themes as outlined in this website.
  • Context of learning
  • What are OER?
    • Definition
    • Licensing
  • The OER Landscape
  • Quality and OER
  • Economy of OER
  • OER Lifecycle
The workshop was highly interactive and participants participated in several activities such as discussions and exploring current OER websites.  Through-out the workshop participants worked with the concepts of OER in their local context and every time the application for the Family Islands were up-fronted.   Practical examples of using OER in The Bahamas were explored and examples of publically funded  materials such as the materials developed for Early Childhood Development were encouraged to release it as OER. 

I am very keen to see how the participants are responding to the workshop and what they can do to include OER in their work. 
9/23/2012 01:02:01 am

This is nice post which I was waiting for such an article and I have gained some useful information from this site.
Thanks for sharing this information.

2/23/2013 06:42:25 pm

cool to have this information i will back to hear more

Rika Barkan


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    Trudi van Wyk, eLearning Specialist, Commonwealth of Learning


    June 2011

